I've always loved that line from the Sabrina movie (the remake, thank you, not the original, oddly enough). "Sometimes it's just more." Problem: we don't have enough audience to fill our shows. Problem: we need to run three weeks because the first weekend is just for marketing, we won't sell out. Problem: the local paper(s) is cutting theater coverage. how are people going to find out about us now? Problem: we post it on social media but the only people who see that are people who already know about the shows we do. Problem: there are so many different calendars/event listings/blogs. we don't need/can't afford another one. (Yogi Berra, anyone?) The REAL problem: we haven't a clue who our audience is or who we want our audience to be . Those other things aren't problems. At best, they are marketing tactics that aren't being done correctly or efficiently. The first one listed is a metric, a data point that doesn't ha...
Musings on Performing Arts, Arts Ecosystems & Community Enrichment, Parenting, and other Perplexities of Life