Arts Hospice: Palliative Care for End-of-Life for Arts Organizations Healthy Ecosystems in Small Cities: Why Diversity of Size and Content Matters Try Today, Buy Tomorrow: How Performing Arts Can Use Samples to Build Audience Fear-Setting in the Arts: Mitigating Risk by Developing Comfort with Fear Stone Soup: Using Collaboration to Create New Performing Arts Opportunities Pivots and Sprints: Using Corporate Process Development to Grow a Sustainable Arts Org Clothing Costumes: How What you Wear Changes Your Own Perceptions Grow Your Own: What Food Chains and Arts Ecosystems Have in Common I Can't, I Have a Kid: How to be a Present Parent and a Performer Without Losing Your Mind I'm available.
Musings on Performing Arts, Arts Ecosystems & Community Enrichment, Parenting, and other Perplexities of Life