As I've done for a couple years now, I take an hour or so and do a review of the prior year's work and think about what I'd like next year to be like. Many thanks to Rosetta Thurman for this practice and the thought - provoking questions.
2013 was a tough year, but looking back I still made a lot of progress and started putting things in place. I did a great job developing the brand of Devra, so much that it netted me a new job. Although, one of my goals for next year is for said job to pay me a living wage (insert ongoing discussion about artists/startups/small Org mgrs here).
I loved being asked and serving on grant panels. There is a tremendous amount of art and artists in my community. It's difficult to parse who gets funding when sitting around the table. One of my goals for 2014 is to be more visible in the community as a funder. Most of these artists or smaller organizations are flying by the seat of their pants, and a caring face may go a long way. At least, that's what I hope.
One of the things I feel I didn't do as much of as I wanted was developing relationships with my female friends and colleagues. Partly because we're all so busy, sure, but we can try harder. I really want to see Ladies of Triangle Theater have an active presence. Figuring out how to do that will be a constant slow simmer project.
The thing I'd like to learn more about in 2014 is living "yes and". I've already blogged about my improv experience, and I want to build on that brief introduction.
Lastly, here's my ideal day, sponsored in part by Daniel Goleman's new book Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence. (This is not in order of time, btw.) Inner: exercise, reflection, reading. Outer: focused time on theater and school/learning. Other: quality family/friend time. Less driving.
May you all have the 2014 you desire!
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