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One ending is simply another beginning

Yesterday, the Deep Dish Executive Board took me and my husband out for a farewell dinner. The food was delicious, the company lively, and many complimentary things were shared around the table.

The old saying, "I don't regret the things I did, only the things I have not done" applies here. I will look back with fond memories of my time there, but I will always wish I had done more. Worked harder at donor stewardship. Pushed for the marketing campaigns. Written the 'why not' grants. Running a small independent nonprofit theater is not easy; leaving the comfort of corporate retail with its automatic product shipping and management teams and decent paycheck to take on the part-time administration role was a leap of faith.

And now, I stand at the precipice again. I feel like Indiana Jones at the third test in "Last Crusade", where he says "Only in the leap from the lion's head will he prove his worth" before closing his eyes and taking the step into the void. There's only faith that I've got enough moxie to do this. I'm a huge believer in underpromising and overdelivering as a key to great customer service. Which makes me worried from two different directions: Can I deliver on what my [innate] promise is?

AND: what if I am underpromising? What will be the overdelivering?


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